Jen and I are pleased to announce the birth of our little girl Nellie Rae Jarvie. I know it's already been announced on every other social networking site, through text messages, and of course lots of pictures for the grandma's, but Jen and I are going to up our average of two blogs a year and see if we can't push our average up closer to the 5 or 6 a year range. Here goes.
I have to say the birth was a combination of the coolest thing ever mixed with the scariest thing ever. When Nellie was born I kept waiting for the instruction manual to come out with the placenta but was certainly disappointed when that didn't happen. All I know is that Makita and DeWalt always have instruction manuals so maybe the production force upstairs could take a few lessons from the Home Depot product line. Jen was an absolute champ through the whole delivery. I was focused on keeping my knees bent to make sure I didn't pass out and every time I looked at her I expected to see her filing her nails or reading a cooking magazine because she made the process look effortless. She had an epidural so she wasn't even sure when she was having a contraction and had to wait for her nurse to tell her when to push. She officially started wearing her old jeans yesterday so it appears as if she got the lucky female genes and her butt is definitely as cute as ever.
Intermission for pictures:

Having a kid is definitely the coolest thing in the world and Jen and I are very lucky and thankful that everything has gone as smooth as it has. I'm sure there will be plenty of rough patches (i.e. when she starts dating...) ahead so we'll take any smooth spots when we can. Jen is doing a little better each day but I still have to remind her to "mucho take it easy" as Nacho Libre would say. She hopes to be ready to do a little work the second to last week of July so we will see how things go. I started back yesterday and have to say that hanging with Jen and Nellie for the past week and a half is way better than hanging out with whiny "innocent I've never done anything wrong" people. There was an 18-year old kid yesterday who told another cop and I that we needed to get a life because the officer was writing him a shoplifting ticket. I reminded him that I had searched his room before and found marijuana, lots of marijuana pipes, lots of alcohol and a gun and that maybe he should keep his mouth shut until he was doing a little more for society than killing brain cells. I'm afraid we might be too late with that one. Anyways, thanks everyone for the well wishes, gifts and visits. Jen is working on thank you notes but it seems every time she gets started the youngster is ready for another feeding or a diaper change. I'm worthless when it comes to feeding Nellie but definitely think I could qualify for the 8 second rodeo challenge on her diaper change depending on the size of the blow "out". Well I think that's all for now so we will bid adieu and as they say in Wyoming..."pour me another"