So Clay and I had a few days off together last week, which doesn't happen very often, so we decided to make the most of it and go on a little camping trip. We live about an hour away from Flaming Gorge and it had been forever since I'd been there. We drove around and found a pretty cool campground. I am definately a "campground camper". I like having flush toilets, and established campsites with a picnic table and firepit. It took a few laps around the campground before we finally decided on a good spot. It was shady, had the perfect spot for a tent, our own private little driveway, and it was a very very short walk to the bathrooms. Although the camp host was a little overly friendly, it did come with a major bonus- hot showers!!! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! I can't even tell you how nice it was after spending all day in the sun, water, and dirt to wash off and feel clean again for the night. It was perfect. We only stayed one night, but had a fun day of touring Flaming Gorge Dam and hanging out on the Green River. We also took a trip down to Brown's Park and went to Clay's great great grandpa's ranch, which is now a Historical Site. It was very cool! What a great trip with my babe!!